October 02-04 2019
1st International Congress of Integral Water Management

How to present your work to 1CIGIA?
Download the detailed description of the themes in the following link:
Download the detailed description of the themes in the following link:
Before 15 / 08 / 2019 a WORD file should be sent with the summary of the research work with the theme of the Congress to the mail:
Abstracts must be saved in the following
1CIGIA-Applied theme-Last name of the author.doc
ej: 1CIGIA-T2-Sejas.doc
The summaries will be reviewed and evaluated by the Scientific Committees of the Congress. They will select the works intended for presentations.
The works that are not selected could be presented during the exhibition of
What is the format of the abstract?
The Abstract will have the format described in the following document:
The format presented in the example is a guide. The exhibitors can adapt it to the needs and aesthetics of the research as long as they keep the logotives and the content marked.
The poster should not exceed a size of 100 * 150 cm with a font size that allows its reading at an approximate distance of 1.5 m.
The researcher must make the physical delivery of the poster on the day of the Congress Accreditation. Members of the Organizing Committee will be available at the entrance of the Main Auditorium to answer any questions.
The poster communications will be presented at the foot of the poster and their authors must be present during the sessions to answer the questions of the attendees.
The withdrawal of the poster, unless justified cause, should not be carried out until the scientific program of the congress ends, in order to allow all attendees have enough time to read them. The organization is not responsible for the posters that are not removed once the event is over.